• We have three registered Children’s Homes in Cardiff each accommodating up to four young people. One home specialises in the 11 -15 age range whilst the other two focus on the 15-19 age group. All our young people are admitted following referrals from local authorities.

  • Each home is located with easy access to schools/  colleges,  shops, and a wide range of recreational and sports facilities.

  • Operationally the homes are staffed 24 hours a day, 52 weeks a year. Our experienced staff teams are highly trained to ensure they deliver first-class care.



Our Homes

“ The home location promotes well-being outcomes and children have easy access to the local community and relevant facilities, as well as good access to public transport “

- Care Inspectorate Report

Multidisciplinary Working

We understand the importance of working with a range of people including family, care staff, multi agencies and other professionals that are key in assisting a young person to achieve their goals. We also recognise the importance of enabling young people to feel in control of their lives and their future and will always work with the young person as part of the team to maximise their sense of personal control and to live safely, healthily and with confidence.


Focusing on outcomes plays a pivotal role in our approach to care-planning and review in evaluating our own performance. In addition to the outcomes that are measured by local authorities who place young people with us, our goal is to support young people to be able to achieve the following:-

  1.   Sustain healthly and positive relationships.

  2. Be able to manage change and know how and when to ask for help

  3.  Understand their own health and emotional needs

  4.  Recognise their own unique worth and building their self-esteem